To be eligible for an Everything Payday Loan you need
Be 18 or over
Be employed
Earn at least £500 per month Be a UK resident
Have a current bank account
with a debit card
If you qualify Everything Payday will not undertake a credit check on you. But they will check that you live where you say
you do,Taking a payday loan with Everything payday has no effect on your credit rating unless you don't
pay it back to them.
They offer payday loans of between £75 and £1,000.
The application
for an Everything Payday Loan is online and in most cases it only takes a few minutes to approve an application including signing for it. However,
in some cases it may be necessary for you to provide additional information but even when this happens it still should be
taken care of in under 25 minutes.
If accepted and you have been accepted for a payday loan before 3pm then you will have your funds the same day. If not,
then they will be in your account on the very next working day.
with all major lenders within the UK and USA, provides the applicant with the maximum chance of acceptance,
thus increasing the earning potential for you.