Scottish Friendly Assurance.

27.10.2011 When you start saving with Scottish Friendly assurance, you receive a gift. Choose either a £15 Marks & Spencer voucher or a £15 High Street voucher.

Who are Scottish Friendly Assurance?

Scottish Friendly operates as a financial services group dedicated to the efficient provision of a wide range of financial products and services. It accounts for over 500,000 policyholders and has assets under management of over £704 million as at December 2008.
The Scottish Friendly is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

Scottish Bond from Scottish Friendly Assurance.

The Scottish Bond is a great way to make the most of your tax-free allowance. The Government lets you invest up to £25 a month tax-free with a friendly society. You can use this tax-free savings allowance even if you already have an ISA.

The Scottish Bond is a 10 year savings plan for anyone aged between 16 and 55. Just set aside an affordable amount each month so that you could have a sizeable lump sum to look forward to. You can choose to save £15, £20 or £25 a month or £180, £225 or £270 a year. If you cash in before the end the 10 year savings period, you may not get back as much as you have paid in. When you invest with the Scottish Bond, you're saving tax-free in two ways.

  • First, unlike most investments and savings accounts, your money grows free from tax (other than tax on dividends from UK shares).
  • Second, you don't pay tax on the payout when your bond matures.

  • Your money will be invested in the Scottish Friendly With-Profits fund. This is managed across a range of assets for long-term growth, as well as a degree of security in the form of a guaranteed minimum cash sum. Your actual guaranteed minimum cash sum will depend on your age and how much you pay in each month.

    Scottish Friendly Life Insurance.

    Scottish Friendly offer Term Assurance where you pay a regular amount each month providing a cash lump sum if during the term of the policy you die, or are diagnosed with a terminal illness with life expectancy of less than 12 months prior to the last 18 months of the policy term. They also offer over 50 Life insurance for those aged between 50 and 75 and you get guaranteed acceptance no matter what your state of health.

    Scottish Friendly Assurance Child Bond.

    Another popular product is the child bond. By saving from just £10 to £25 a month with Scottish Friendly's Child Bond now, you could make all the difference when they're older. For instance, helping to pay for university fees or for the deposit on a first home.

    The Child Bond isn't just for parents to invest in. Whether you're a grandparent or an aunty, you can take out a Child Bond for any child you care about. The Child Bond is a with-profits investment which runs for a minimum of 10 years and offers two valuable tax benefits:

  • The money invested will grow free of income tax and capital gains tax under current law through the addition of potential annual bonuses. Although bonuses are not guaranteed, once added, they cannot be taken away, provided you keep up payments for the full term.
  • When the bond matures, your child will receive a guaranteed minimum cash sum, which protects part of the total amount invested. The value of the guaranteed sum is based on the term of the plan and how much is paid in.

  • scottish friendly assurance review