Scottish Power.

November 2011 Scottish Power offer a number of offers to new customers that guarantee your gas and electricity charges will be fixed for a period of time.

Scottish Power Review

Scottish Power has been supplying people's homes with Gas and Electricity for over 50 years. ScottishPower are suppliers for over 3.5 million homes, that's why they are 'The Energy People'

Scottish Power generate electricity, operate and maintain large power delivery networks and provide a full range of energy supply services, including metering, billing and call centre support.

Scottish Power is also pleased to that uSwitch has recognised the company for its online excellence by awarding Scottish Power Best Online Services Award in its recent Energy Customer Satisfaction Awards.

Scottish Power could save you money on your gas and electricity, both individually and together. Why pay more?

All round savings mean that everyone could benefit, whether you’re new to Scottish Power or an existing customer, only taking your gas or electricity from them or enjoying the combined benefits of both.

The figures speak for themselves. Based on annual mains gas usage of 20,500kWh, gas customers who have switched from British Gas and Scottish Gas to Scottish Power have saved £50 million and £20 million respectively since 1997!

Scottish Power is actually doing rather a lot to protect the earth’s and all our futures as well.

For many years Scottish Power been implementing a range of renewable electricity initiatives, such as building wind farms, turning waste to energy and using hydro-power to help meet our energy needs. Did you know, for instance, that they are the UK's largest wind farm developer and plan to be able to power around 250,000 homes through this energy souce?

scottish power for cheap gas and electricity