AA Credit Card News

November 2012 - AA Financial Services Limited trading as AA is not an independent financial services provider and is acting as a credit intermediary and introduces customers to MBNA Europe Bank as its exclusive Credit Card partner.


Earn AA Reward Points on your everyday card purchases, and earn double points on motoring, fuel and AA products


Use your AA Reward Points to purchase from a range of motoring products and services, AA Home or Car Insurance, a new AA atlas, or choose to treat yourself with a day or night out
Manage your card with our online servicing, you can check your balance, transactions, view your pin or opt for paperless statements
Use your points to take cash back on fuel purchases.

AA Credit Card Minimum Acceptance Criteria.

To apply for the AA Credit Card please check you can answer ‘yes’ to the qualifying criteria:

  • I am currently employed
  • I am a UK resident and can prove residential addresses for the past two years
  • I am a homeowner
  • I have an income of over £20,000
  • I have not applied for an MBNA or Virgin Credit Card within the last 6 months
  • I am over 21 years of age
  • I don’t have any recent credit defaults, county count judgements (CCJ’s) or been made bankrupt.

    With fuel prices set to pass £5 per gallon before Christmas* the new AA Credit Card could help to ease the pain for drivers, especially if they are also AA members**.

    The card offers reward points on all purchases and as the ‘motorist’s credit card’, it offers double reward points on motoring purchases including fuel, even from supermarkets. AA Members earn points twice as fast and can use them to take cash back on fuel purchased on the card.

    Mark Huggins, Director of AA Financial Services says: “We can do little to control the price of petrol and diesel but we urge drivers to keep their eyes open for the cheapest pump prices which are often supermarkets.

    “AA members could not only save a penny or two per litre at the pumps by shopping around, but also gain double points by paying with their AA Credit Card.”

    AA Reward Points can be used on a wide range of products and services including AA products, motoring and travel essentials, shopping vouchers, days out or even cash back.

    * 110p per litre is the equivalent of £5 per gallon. Average UK petrol prices have risen to 108.69p per litre (as at 18 November), having previously peaked at 107.14p per litre on 27 October. Diesel is also at a new high, 109.97p per litre. (source: AA Public Affairs)

    AA Credit Card,