Over 50's Life Insurance News.
February 2013 - LV= Over 50 Life Insurance pays a lump sum when you’re no longer around.

You’re guaranteed acceptance with no medical or health questions. Cover starts from just £5 a month and you can choose a free gift when you buy including a £30 M&S voucher!

What is an over 50's Life Insurance Plan?
A life Insurance plan means that by making a regular montly payment should you die while the policy is in force you will be leaving a cash sum for your dependants which can be used how they wish.
Typically these life insurance plan premiums are fixed and won't change even if your health deteriorates.
One thing to be aware of on many of the over 50's life insurance policies is that they won't pay out if you die in the first 2 years of the policy although they will normally pay the paid premiums back. This is because a number of the providers do not require a medical or any health questions answered. Some of the 50 plus plans also allow you to use the plan to pay your funeral costs on death.
These policies unlike say endowments also do not offer any cash in value so if you cancel the premiums your life insurance plan will cease and you won't get the premiums back. 

When you take out a policy online a number of companies offer you a FREE Welcome gift like shopping vouchers or even Digital Radios and where applicable you can find details below on the FREE Welcome Gifts available with a 50 plus life insurance plan.  

Over 50's Life Insurance Providers
Sun Life Direct Guaranteed Over 50 Plan.

If you’re aged 50-85, from just £4 a month the Sun Life Direct Guaranteed Over 50 Plan could be right for you. It is an affordable way to leave your loved ones a fixed cash sum when you’re gone, either as a cash gift or to help towards funeral costs.


LV= Over 50 Life Insurance pays a lump sum when you’re no longer around.

You’re guaranteed acceptance with no medical or health questions.

Cover starts from just £5 a month and you can choose a free gift when you buy including a £30 M&S voucher!


Engage Mutual Assurance.
As a mutual Engage are owned by their members with policies, not shareholders. They are currently offering over 50's life insurance for online applications with a free gift of £30 of M&S vouchers after your plan has been set up and a 5% discount too. Premiums start at £8 per month and they guarantee to accept you without a medical.

