Over 50's Funeral Insurance News

December 2012 : New customers will receive £30 of vouchers when they take out a LV Over 50's Funeral Plan.

Over 50's Funeral Insurance Review

Some bereaved families are being turned away by undertakers because they fear that they will not pay the funeral bills. The C.A.B has produced some figures that show that the UK's funeral industry is owed around £60m and this figure had doubled over the last 2 years. With a typical funeral now costing over £2,000 and many people still losing their jobs in the UK it is no surprise to find difficulties arising and the BBC interviewed an undertaker who is owed £30,000 in unpaid fees andsaid his work "is getting more and more like a money lending service"

The funeral director now asks families for a cash deposit of several hundreds of pounds. He said: "We don't want to do it because we provide a service for the families, and the families are struggling to pay, but unfortunately we're a business at the end of the day and we've got to get the money in."

There are options open to those though who think that their families might struggle to raise the money to pay for their funeral.
LV=Liverpool Victoria offer funeral Plans

Sun Life Direct Funeral Insurance Review

 Leave a little something behind for your loved onesDo you have life insurance? If not, it’s something you should perhaps consider, and an over 50s life insurance plan from Sun Life Direct is surprisingly affordable. In this uncertain world no-one knows what’s around the corner, so you might want to start thinking about making preparations for when you are no longer around.Life insurance need not be complicated. At Sun Life Direct, they make it simple with the Guaranteed Over 50 Plan aimed at those aged 50-85. Provided by AXA Wealth Ltd, it pays out a fixed cash sum on death - which could help to provide some financial relief for your family when you’ve gone.There are many reasons to start thinking about life insurance. You may have a new grandchild on the way and would like to leave a cash gift behind for them. Maybe you’ve experienced the loss of a close friend or family member and realised the financial impact a death can have on those left behind. Or perhaps you just want to put something by to help those you love in what will be a difficult time.

Whatever your reason, consider the following questions and then ask yourself whether you’ve made suitable provisions:
How will your family pay your funeral costs?
Did you know that the average cost of a funeral is £3,284*? And when you include associated costs such as order sheets, notices, flowers, venue hire, catering, limo hire and a memorial the cost could rise to over £5,200**. That’s right, dying can be an expensive business.No one wants to put a price on death, but you may want to consider these costs if you are thinking about making funeral plan provisions. With the Guaranteed Over 50 Plan from Sun Life Direct, you can help your family cover some of your funeral expenses.If you are considering using life insurance to help your family with funeral costs, just remember that although the cash sum paid out is fixed, the cost of funerals will go up over time. This might mean that your cash sum won’t cover as much of the funeral cost as you hoped. So please bear this in mind when choosing the cash sum you leave behind. For more information about the cost of funerals, visit .sunlifedirect.co.uk.

Can your loved ones cover unpaid bills?
Have you ever wondered how your family will manage in those first few weeks and months? Losing you will be devastating enough for them without the worry of how to pay the next gas or electricity bill, or how they will cover unpaid bills that you didn’t have the chance to take care of.Life insurance from Sun Life Direct can help take some of that worry away from your family, and give you some peace of mind.

When you’ve gone, what will you leave your family?
Life insurance could provide a legacy; something for your loved ones to remember you by. And with a Sun Life Direct Guaranteed Over 50 Plan, you could leave a cash gift for your loved ones from as little as £4 a month; perhaps something for the grandchildren to help them build their future?The cash sum would be payable on death as long as you have had the Plan for at least two years. But if you were to die within the first two years, Sun Life Direct would return all the premiums paid, plus half as much again, to your estate.

Put your trust in Sun Life DirectSun Life Direct is the leading life insurance provider of whole of life plans for the over 50s◊. Their experience and knowledge allows them to understand the life cover needs of people like you. Over the years, they have developed a range of straightforward, easy to understand over 50s life cover products that are simple to arrange; and with products like the Guaranteed Over 50 Plan, more and more people are joining them every day.Their most popular product The most popular life insurance plan Sun Life Direct offer is the Guaranteed Over 50 Plan. A whole of life plan which offers a fixed cash sum payable on death once the customer has held the Plan for at least two years. And with premiums starting from just £4 a month, the Guaranteed Over 50 Plan offers the UK’s lowest premium for this type of cover – you can’t get this type of life cover anywhere else for less! All they ask in return is that the customer continues to pay their chosen premium every month throughout their life, because if they stopped paying, their Plan would end and they wouldn’t get anything back. As with most plans of this type, depending on how long the customer lives, they could pay more in premiums than the cash sum paid out.You should also be aware that as the cash sum is fixed, over time, inflation will reduce its value. So isn’t it time you considered putting a Plan in place? If you’re a UK resident, and aged between 50 – 85, why not visit sunlifedirect.co.uk for more information and a no-obligation quote, and discover how you can leave a little something for your loved ones with a Guaranteed Over 50 Plan from Sun Life Direct.
* Mintel Research Consultancy, Average Funeral Pricing Survey – July 2012.
**Mintel Average Cost of Dying, July 2012
◊ Most popular whole of life guaranteed acceptance plan bought directly. ABI statistics, Q1-Q4 2011£4 is the lowest monthly premium on the market for this type of product as at 16/10/12
Issued by AXA Wealth Services Ltd trading as Sun Life Direct. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

