Life Insurance News & Offers


What is Life Insurance

Life Insurance is insurance for you and your family's peace of mind you can buy it from a life insurance company, which can help to be the basis of financial security and financial stability after one dies. The purpose of Life Insurance is to help beneficiaries financially when the owner of the life insurance policy dies.

People take out life insurance plans because they want to provide financial security for their beneficiaries should they die. If you die and leave young children behind this money can be used to pay any mortgages, funerals and living/educational costs. The policyholder determines how much they wish to have paid out at the start of the life insurance policy. This way they can choose an life insurance policy plan that they can afford or provides the level of protection that they require.The higher the amount the higher the premium. Also if you are older the premiums will be higher although there are a number of special life insurance plans for the over 50's.You can also determine within a range of how long you wish the life insurance to continue for. For example do you want the life insurance policy to cease when your children will all reach the age of eighteen or when the mortgage is paid off.

Popular Life Insurance Providers.

Cover starts from £5 a month, that’s just 17p a day! You must be a UK resident aged 17 to 69 to apply. Please be aware that if you stop paying your premiums, your cover will stop, and you won’t get anything back. This plan has no cash in value.


Standard Life's Life Insurance can look after your family’s future should the worst happen and you’re no longer around to do it. You choose the amount of cover up to a maximum of £500,000 (lower maximum if you’re aged 56 or over). You could use it to protect a mortgage, other loans or to help provide financial security for your family.


Legal & General

Looking for an unusal Valentines gift? You might not think it but Life Insurance really says “I love you” Have you ever wondered how your loved ones would cope financially if you died? Help protect your loved ones with Legal & General life insurance, from just £6 a month. Plus receive a £40 M&S Voucher if you apply before February 25th. Terms and conditions apply.


Types of Life Insurance

An investment-type policy provides cover for as long as you live. Since the policy must eventually pay out, it builds up an investment value that you can cash in by surrendering the policy. However, it takes many years for a surrender value to build up and, in general, whole-of-life policies are an expensive buy if your main need is protection. As it is considerably more expensive than the protection-only term life insurance alternative some advisers believe it's better to keep your insurance and investment needs separate. Life insurance includes 'investment-type' and 'term' insurance. Investment-type insurance includes policies that pay out on a certain date or when you die. Term insurance pays a lump sum if you die before a set date term insurance. In its simplest form, it pays out a specified amount if you die within a selected period of years. If you survive, it pays out nothing. It is the cheapest way overall of buying the cover you need. but doesn't pay out anything if you survive the term. The term could be, for example, the number of years left on your mortgage or the number of years until your children are financially independent. Level Term Life Insurance is sometimes called 'protection only' insurance. An investment-type policy provides cover for as long as you live. Since the policy must eventually pay out, it builds up an investment value that you can cash in by surrendering the policy. However, it takes many years for a surrender value to build up and, in general, whole-of-life policies are an expensive buy if your main need is protection. As it is considerably more expensive than the protection-only term life insurance alternative some advisers believe it's better to keep your insurance and investment needs separate.

Life Assurance.