
November 2012 - Beverley are offering an offset facility on all their mortgages, With an Offset Mortgage you are obliged to open at least one offset savings account with the Society. You may have up to a maximum of 75% of your loan held in an Offset Savings Account. The balance on your savings will be offset against the balance on your mortgage resulting in interest only being charged on the net amount borrowed. For example if you had savings of £10,000 and a mortgage of £100,000; although no interest would be paid by the Society on your savings you would only be charged interest on £90,000 of the mortgage.

Financial Report for the Year ending 31st December 2011
Profit after tax of £152,000. The average loan to value of the mortgage book was below 50% and there were 3 mortgages that were 12 months or more in arrears. Savings balances increased with the business account proving popular
Management expenses as a % of mean total assets rose from 0.65% to 0.70%.

Financial Report for the Year ending 31st December 2010
The Beverley Building Society made a profit after tax of £133,000 as against £733,000 the year before. This figure was after a provisions for bad debt of £888,000 and £11,000 for its contribution to the FSCS levy.

Gross mortgage lending for the year was 13.1 million and due to low redemption levels the mortgage book grew by 3.03%. Savings balances grew to £156.5 million from £151.3 million the year before.

Management expenses as a % of mean total assets rose from 0.62% to 0.65%.

Financial Report for the Year ending 31st December 2009
The Beverley Building Society made a profit after tax of £733,000 as against £257,000 the year before. This figure was after a provisions for bad debt of £361,000 and £13,000 for its contribution to the FSCS levy.

The average loan to value of the mortgage book was 50%.

7 mortgage accounts were 2 months or more in arrears.

Management expenses as a % of mean total assets dropped from 0.68% to 0.62%.

Financial Report for the Year ending 31st December 2008
The Beverley Building Society made a profit after tax of £257,000 as against £775,000 the year below. This figure was after a potential loss of £357,000 from an investment in an Icelandic bank and £208,000 for its contribution to the FSCS levy. The directors wages were £220,000 as against £207,000 the year before even though profits were down. Bad debt provision was £65,000 as against £6,000 the year before.

History and Profile of the Beverley Building Society
The Beverley Building Society was established in 1866 making the Beverley one of the oldest Building Societies in the UK.
Head Office
Beverley Building Society
57 Market Place
East Yorkshire
HU17 8AA
Tel 01482 881510
Branch (closing March 2009)
1 Market Place
East Yorkshire
Y042 2AS
Tel 01759 304940

Beverley Building Society Directors Remuneration year ended 31.12.2011
M A Wilmot
Non Executive Directors
Beverley had a maximum of 6 over the year

Beverley Building Society provides a range of savings accounts including ISAs, Notice Accounts,Postal Accounts and Monthly Saver Savings Accounts. They also offer a range of mortgage products an offset savings facility is available on all of the Beverley Building Society's mortgage products and a business account. 

Beverley Building Society Savings Accounts and Mortgage Products