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May 2012 : The Buckinghamshire Building Society Chiltern Gold Builder Issue 2 is a Regular Monthly Saver account with a variable interest rate and the opportunity to make 1 annual withdrawal. The account pays 3.50% per annum and the minimum monthly contribution is £25 and the maximum monthly contribution £250.

Profile and History of Buckinghamshire Building Society
Founded in 1907
Head Office
Buckinghamshire Building Society
High Street
Chalfont St Giles
Tel 01494 879500

Directors Remuneration 2011
Salary/Directors' Fees



Maximum 8 Non Executive Directors

Buckinghamshire Building Society Product Range
The Buckinghamshire offers a range of products. For savers they offer a selection of savings accounts including Isas, Chiltern Gold notice and easy access savings accounts and sometimes fixed rate bonds. On the Mortgage front they offer a range of mortgage products and can also offer household insurance. 

 Financial Results year ending 31/12/2011
Buckinghamshire made a profit after tax of £1,031,000,000 as against £351,000 the year before this was after a provisions of £94,000.

The Society saw a growth in assets of £3m or 1.7%. During 2011, the Society achieved a significant increase in small business, charity and pension fund customers, and also increased its range of accounts for children including a new Junior Cash ISA. Regular savings accounts and fixed term bonds continue to be popular with new and existing customers. At the year end the Society had no properties in possession and no loans more than 12 months in arrears.

Management expenses % of mean assets fell to 0.89% from 0.94% the previous year.

Financial Results year ending 31/12/2010
Buckinghamshire made a profit after tax of £351,000 as against £95,000 the year before this was after a provisions of £24,000.

During the year savers balances grew by 22.4% helped by the development of a range of fixed rate bonds. Mortgage balances also grew by 8.57% and arrears were down by 67%.

Management expenses % of mean assets fell to 0.94% from 1.04% the previous year.

Financial Results year ending 31/12/2009
Buckinghamshire made a profit after tax of £95,000 as against £48,000 the year before this was after a provision of £59,000 for the fscs levy.
Mortgage balances increased by 3.25%

Wholesale funding reduced by 15.8%

Financial Results year ending 31/12/2008
Buckinghamshire made a profit after tax of £48,000 as against £353,000 the year before this was after a provision of £158,000 for the fscs levy.
During the year one property was taken into possession and was sold with no loss to the society and at the year end the society had no properties in possession and the overall arrears position remained very satisfactory.
Mortgage Balances rose to £113.78 million up from £97.35 million
Share Balances of £125.72 million up from £116.56 million

Buckinghamshire Building Society savings accounts and mortgages