The Energy Savings Trust reckons that each normal lightbulb you replace with an energy savings one will save you on average
£3 per year and because they last up to 10 times longer the total money saving from each energy saving lightbulb over its
lifetime is about £40.
Don't leave electrical appliance on standby as they are still consuming energy. The Energy Savings Trust calculates that
the average household in Britain spends £37 per year on electricity for items left in standby in their homes. So save some
money and turn them off.
A typical computer left running for 24 hours will use £70 of electricity over 1 year. So if you leave it on but only
use it for 2 hours a day you would be able to save on your energy bill by almost £60 each year by turning it off.
Reducing the room temperature by just 1 degree C could reduce your energy useage and save 10% off your home heating
Some estimates are that as much as 10% of the energy used in a home goes on lighting. So consider turning off lighting
in unoccupied rooms and it is better to use one high watt bulb than a few low watt bulbs to light a room if you want
to reduce your bills and cut your energy useage.
OWL Wireless Electricity Monitor
This tip requires an upfront outlay of about £34.95 but it will show you just how much electricity you are using and
let you see the difference once you start turning electrical appliances off.
Washing Machine
About 80% of the energy used for washing clothes is actually used heating the water. So it is a good tip to wash
with full loads and switch the temperature setting from hot to warm as this will potentially give you savings on your
energy useage of up to 50%
The NEF advises that by sticking tin foil behind radiators that are fitted to outside walls you can save as much as £10
per year on your heating bills.
Gas and Electricity
The difference between the cheapest and most expensive energy suppliers can be as much as £325 per year. So regularly
check with comparison services to make sure you are not being overcharged.
In order these are the largest users of electricity in the average home. Air conditioning (if you have it) heating ,dryer
then lighting. So if you can reduce the useage of these you are guaranteed to reduce your energy bill and save money.
If you can, consider how you pay your bills. Paying the bills monthly by direct debit is cheaper than paying them quarterly.
If you pay and manage them online you can save even more money. Dual fuel deals where you take both your gas and electricity
from the same supplier can also be cheaper than haveing two different energy providers.
Home Energy Programme
The UK government has launched a scheme worth £560 million to subsidise energy efficency improvements for homes such
as loft and cavity wall insulation. If you do not have insulation you can call 0800 512012 to check if you are eligible.
Don't throw away dead batteries. Use them in quartz clocks as they take so little power that batteries to weak to
run anything else will power these for a time.
Easy tip this one. Kettles use a large amount of energy and electricity to boil water. Only boil the amount of water
you need there and then. Why waste money heating water that you are not going to use?
Use your microwave over your oven when possible. A microwave uses much less electricity because it cooks in a much smaller
amount of time. If you really can't do without you oven think about buying a micro/combi oven. You can then use it for those
times when you only have something small that you need to oven cook.
Energy Saving Recommended Logo
Always look for this logo if you are shopping for a new dishwasher,boiler,lightbulbs etc. It is your guarantee that the
product will have met strict criteria on energy efficency which will in turn help you to save money and reduce your carbon
Shower don't bath
This will save water (useful if you are on a water meter) but it will also reduce your energy costs as you will
not use as much hot water. A 5 minute shower a day will save you 400 litres of water if previously you were taking a bath.One
caveat is that a power shower can actually use more more and hence electricity than a bath.
Put a jacket on your hot water tank
Fitting your hot water tank with an insulating jacket will only cost a few pounds and pays for itself within 6 months.
If you fit one that is at least 75mm (3 inches) thick you couls save as much as £30 each year.
Insulate your roof and walls
Around half the heat lost in a typical home escapes through the walls and roof. Insulating your loft is simple to do
and you can even do it yourself. If you already have loft insulation check its thickness and if necessary add another layer
to bring it up to the recommended 270mm thickness.
Insulating your cavity walls could save up to £120 a year. Installation takes a couple of hours for a typical 3 bedroom
house and can be done from the outside.
Save money by dodging the draughts
Eliminate draughts and wasted heat by installing a cheap,easy to fix brush or pvc seal on your exterior doors. Put draught
proof covers on letterboxes and keyholes too.
Draughts also get in through gaps in the floorboards and skirting boards so to prevent this fill these gaps with beading
or sealant.
Money Savers
Putting lids on pans when cooking can reduce the energy used by 75%
Make toast in a toaster not under the grill