Engage Over 50's Life Iinsurance Plan.

May 2012 - When you apply and buy the engage over 50s life insurance plan not only will you get a 5% discount but a free gift too. The gift choices are a digital radio or £30 of M&S vouchers or cashback (3 months worth premium after 6 months of premiums have been paid)
The premiums available range from £8 - £50 per month.

Engage Mutual Over 50 Life Insurance Plan Review.

engage Mutual Assurance is a trading name of Homeowners Friendly Society Limited (HFSL), established in 1980, and its wholly-owned subsidiary engage Mutual Funds Limited (eMFL). Both are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. HFSL offer tax-exempt savings plans for adults and children, as well as life insurance products.

Engage life linsurance is available to those aged between 50 and 80 acceptance is guaranteed and no medicals are required with engage over fifties life cover.

When you apply and buy the engage over 50s life insurance plan not only will you get a 5% discount but a free gift too. The gift choices are a digital radio or £30 of M&S vouchers or cashback (3 months worth premium after 6 months of premiums have been paid)

The premiums available range from £8 - £50 per month.

The life insurance premiums are fixed so will not increase while you are covered.

As long as you pay your premiums, your cover is guaranteed for the whole of your life. Once you reach the age of 90 you stop paying premiums but your cover will carry on for the rest of your life. If you stop paying premiums before age 90, the plan will stop and life cover will cease. You can terminate your policy at any time by writing to engage.

Remember as this is a life insurance policy that the engage over fifties life cover plan is not a savings plan and has no cash in value.

Immediate life cover from engage is available if you apply online.

Engage are one of the UK's largest mutual friendly societies meaning that they do not have shareholders and they have been providing value for money savings and investment products for over 30 years. In 2005 engage mutual assurance was launched as a trading style of Homeowners Friendly Society Lld. Today engage are a leading supplier of over fifties life insurance offering competitive products either directly to you or in partnership with leading companies like L&G (legal & general), Clydesdale Bank and Yorkshire Building society.

engage mutual website

Engage over 50's Life cover,  Homeowners Friendly Society Limited (HFSL)