
September 2012 

Legal & General over 50 Life Insurance Review.

The Legal & General Over 50s Life Insurance Plans offer three options which allow their customers to choose the plan that best suits their needs. Everyone’s different, so the Legal & General over 50s Plans are different too.

The L&G Over 50's Life Insurance Options are

1. The Fixed Plan – gives you the certainty of having the benefit of a fixed cash sum paid out when you die. The premiums are guaranteed to never go up once your plan starts. Inflation may, over time, reduce the value of the benefit of your plan.
2. The Increasing Plan – gives you the benefit of a cash sum paid out when you die, which increases in line with the cost of living as measured by the Retail Prices Index (RPI). Benefits and premiums will be reviewed each year.
3. The Funeral Plan – for those who want to ensure that the costs of their funeral are covered. The benefit of the Funeral Plan is that when you die the costs of a traditional cremation funeral (or a contribution towards the costs of a burial) are paid directly to Dignity, who will arrange the funeral through their network of funeral directors. This plan benefit and premium will also increase in the same way as the Increasing Plan. Legal & General Over 50's Life Insurance plans have no cash-in value at any time and depending on long you live you may pay in more than L & G will pay out in benefit for your plan.

About Legal & General.

For over 170 years people have trusted Legal & General to manage and invest their savings on their behalf. L & G offer a range of investments which are available for customers to apply for online from just £50 a month or a £500 lump sum, with a straightforward application process. Customers can depend on L & G to look after their investments and choose from an ISA or unit trust across a range of funds. L & G are constantly striving to do more for their investment customers, by listening to their comments, focusing on innovation and championing customer service to make the customer experience as easy as possible. There is a range of funds available, the customer can choose to invest in these funds with an ISA wrapper or if they have used up their ISA allowance they can invest in them as a Unit Trust.
