Travel and Motoring Money Saving Tips


Only half fill your car with fuel. Heavier cars achieve fewer miles to the gallon.
Don't carry any excess weight (like golf clubs in the boot when not needed). Each extra 50kg will increase fuel consumption by as much as 10%
Use air conditioning sparingly. In a petrol vehicle it uses on average 15% more fuel and in diesel it can increase your fuel consumption by as much as 40%. However if you are travelling above 60 miles per hour having the window open increase drag and fuel consumption so it would be preferable to use the air conditioning. 
Consider your speed. 40-55 miles per hour is the most economical speed. At 70 mph you use 30% more fuel than at 50mph. 
Drive Smart. According to the Energy Saving Trust, an average motorist can save £120 per year by eco-driving, simply change gear upwards before you hit 2500rpm, leave air conditioning off and drive at speeds of 45-50 mph.
Use sites like to check where the cheapest fuel is in your area.
Tyres under inflated by as little as 3.6psi can result in increased fuel consumption of as much as 10%.
Change the oil. Clean oil reduces the wear on the moving engine parts, which helps to improve fuel consumption.
If you are fortunate to be in a household with more than one car, consider using the more fuel efficent one when going out.
Tip when changing your car. The Automobile Association reckons a car can lose as much as 40% of its value in the first year and 60% after 3 years. Do you really need to buy the car new?

Shop Around, A survey by Holiday Which last year proved that there was around £250 difference between the least and most expensive brochure price, based on the cost of a two week holiday to Mallorca in late July for a couple with one child. Check out the price of the holiday you want on the tour operators internet sales sites as they are often cheaper, e.g eclipse holidays, portland holidays, direct holidays and then look to get your travel agent to beat it. Also consider companies like Jet2Holidays.
Read the reviews on sites like trip advisor to make sure where you are staying is ok and then look at the forums for tips on where to eat, drink or find excursions.
Try to avoid getting holiday money before you travel at the airport as normally it is more expensive. Beware of using debit cards abroad as they typically charge you 2.5% plus another 2.75% can be lost on exchange rate conversion. Another relatively new idea are prepaid currency cards.
Holiday Insurance, If you use annual holiday insurance when the renewal notice comes don't renew it until your next holiday is due and booked. If you are not planning on booking a holiday for a few months why pay for something you will not be using. 
Holiday Insurance - A lot of holidaymakers still buy their holiday insurance from their holiday company. If you shop around online you will often find large monetary savings can be made.

Airport Parking By booking early you can save as much as 60% on the costs of your car parking at the airport.

money saving tips to reduce your motoring,travel,hotels and flight costs.