National Friendly 50+ Life Insurance Plan Review.
This life plan from National Friendly is designed for the over 50s with no medical required
and guaranteed acceptance. The National Friendly 50+ Life Plan is an easy way to leave your family a lump sum payout
in the event of your death. Available to UK residents aged 50-79, premiums start from just £10 a month.
Points National friendly guarantee that your monthly over fifties life insurance premiums will never rise. Cover
from £10 month. Once you reach the age of 90 you will no longer have to pay premiums to the 50+ Life Plan but your
cover will continue.
Life Insurance premiums
will also stop, with continued cover, if you’ve had your 50+ Life Plan policy for 10 years or more and are admitted
to a nursing home for long-term care. You can cancel your plan within the first 30 days and receive a full refund of
any premiums paid. If you cancel after 30 days, you won’t receive any money. Because your plan has no value except
upon death. National Friendly offer lower premiums for non-smokers. Guaranteed lump sum pay-out if death occurs
after only 12 months.
Another very popular over 50s life insurance plan is the Sun Life over 50 Plan.
National Friendly Overview.
Friendly is a mutual that has looked after its members’ health and security for over 140 years. Recently awarded
the Best Private Medical Insurance Provider in October 2009, National Friendly prides itself on giving outstanding service.
As a mutual organisation National Friendly has no shareholders expecting a share of
their profits, instead their purpose is to provide benefit for their members. Building on its heritage, National Friendly
is a modern mutual for the 21st century.
National Friendly,
4-5 Worcester Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. FSA Register number is 110008.