NatWest Life Insurance.

26.10.2011 apply now and get free automatic cover for up to 90 days while NatWest process your life insurance application (exclusions apply).

NatWest Life Insurance Review.

NatWest life cover plan pays a guaranteed cash lump sum if you die during the term of the policy. This could provide financial support for your family, or help repay a mortgage or loan.

NatWest Life Insurance Provides
·         Instant cover - apply now and get free automatic cover for up to 90 days while NatWest process your application (exclusions apply)
·         No pressure - decide at your own pace, with their 30 day money-back guarantee
·         2-40 year terms - choose how long you need cover, as long as it ends before your 70th birthday
·         Wide age range - cover is available to UK residents aged 18-54 (qualification criteria below)·         Joint cover - if you've got a joint mortgage, why not take out joint life cover?

Not sure if a NatWest Life Insurance policy is suitable for your needs and looking for some advice? You can call them on
To be accepted for NatWest Life Insurance you will need to be
·         A UK resident
·         Aged between 18 and 54 on the day of application
·         Not currently seeing their GP or any other doctor for any regular check-ups or under the care of any hospital or clinic as an outpatient
·         Not intending to seek or awaiting any medical advice or treatment from any doctor, hospital or clinic, or awaiting any tests or investigations
·         Has not in the last 10 years had or received medical advice for any of the following illnesses, or been referred for tests or investigations for the following conditions:
Raised blood pressure, raised cholesterol, heart attack, chest pain or any other heart condition. Stroke, epilepsy or any disorder affecting the brain, any form of cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease or alcohol problem, multiple sclerosis, any numbness or loss of feeling, blurred or double vision, anxiety, depression or any mental or nervous illness lasting for more than three months or requiring treatment with anti-depressants.
·         Has never been tested positive for HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis B or C and is not awaiting the results of such a test ·         Is not employed in any of the following occupations:
Offshore fishing. Offshore oil or gas production. Commercial diving. HM forces (including reservists or TA) or any occupation involving the use of explosives or working at heights over 15 metres (50 feet).
·         Has not had a life policy application postponed, declined, withdrawn or issued on special terms

NatWest Life Insurance Review.