Virgin Travel Insurance.

26.10.2011  Get up to 3 under 18's free with Virgin Travel Insurance and they were given an award in 2011 for Best Online Travel Insurance.

Virgin Travel Insurance Review.

Virgin Travel Insurance.

Whether you’re travelling in the UK or abroad, leave your worries behind with our great value, comprehensive travel insurance. Choose single trip cover, or if you’re planning to travel more than once, annual multi-trip cover. Choose from several different cover levels for the right cover to suit your holiday and your budget.

Kids are covered for free - up to 3 under 18’s per insured adult, and we include lots of great extras as standard. For example, over 40 adventure activities are covered as standard and winter sports cover is automatically included with our annual policies. You can choose to add optional extras like golf or business trip cover if you need to.

We have tailored policies for over 65’s and backpackers too - with different cover level options, and more packed in as standard.

You’ll have access to a travel advice line for support before you leave and while you’re away. Find out more about your destination and get all the essential information, like whether or not you need a visa or any vaccinations.

We’ll send you your policy number on a handy plastic card to pop in your wallet, so you have all the information and emergency numbers you need to hand. Whether you’re jetting off to Paris for the weekend or trekking your way around the world, leave your worries behind and let Virgin Travel Insurance take care of everything.

Virgin Travel Insurance is promoted by Virgin Money Personal Financial Service Ltd, is arranged by Insure & Go Insurance Services Ltd, and underwritten by Mapfre Asistencia. Virgin Money Personal Financial Service Ltd and Insure & Go Insurance Services Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Mapfre Asistencia is authorised by Direccion General de Seguros and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Services Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Financial Services Authority are available from us on request.

Virgin offers a choice of travel insurance zones allowing you to only take out cover for the areas you require.

Area 1: Your home country, England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland.
Area 2: Europe, including countries west of the UralMountains, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, theAzores, Canary Islands, Iceland, Madeira and countriesbordering the Mediterranean Sea (except Algeria,Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Libya)
Area 3: Worldwide, not including USA and Canada
Area 4: Australia and New Zealand
Area 5: Worldwide, including USA and Canada

Virgin Travel Insurance is promoted by Virgin Money Personal Financial Service Ltd, is arranged by Insure & Go Insurance Services Ltd, and underwritten by Mapfre Asistencia.

Virgin Group Review
The Virgin Group was originally founded by Richard Branson in 1970. The name was chosen as Richard and his business partner considered themselves virgins in the business world when they decided to open their first record shop.
Virgin Money who supply virgin travel insurance was originally started by Richard Branson in March 2005. In March 2009 Richard was quoted as saying he hoped that in the future Virgin Money would enter the banking arena.

If you need to make an emergency claim on your virgin travel insurance, call +44 (0) 207 748 0654 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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