10 Savings Accounts to start Carpetbagging if you are lazy

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Below is a list of 10 Building Societies with reasonable savings rates and savings accounts that are available for £100.(the minimum figure needed for carpetbagging membership rights)

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Rates Last updated 04/03/2009.
The great thing about the list below is that most of the names are the same as 3 months ago when interest rates were a lot higher so on behalf of UK savers (who apparently outnumber borrowers 7:1) i would like to thank them for still offering reasonable rates to the UK's army of small savers.

Yorkshire Building Society
Internet Saver
Teachers Building Society
Call Save
Loughborough Building Society
Buckinghamshire Building Society
90 Days Notice Account
Dunfermline Building Society
90 Day Notice Account
Barnsley Building Society
Nationwide Building Society
1 Year e-Bond
Principality Building Society
Norwich and Pererborough Building Society
E-Saver (issue 2)
Coventry Building Society
3 Year Fixed Rate Bond (30)

With the credit crunch still showing no signs of easing and still confusion for many savers over the financial services compensation scheme a spread of investments can only be good. The fallacy for some is that building societies are safer than banks and this is not true as just like with banks bad management of building societies can lead to their downfall. So just like with banks try to limit your exposure to no more than the maximum cover of the financial servces compensation scheme. (and ideally by spreading your funds around various financial institutions less than the max).The building society accounts above are all available for £100 and with the collapse in UK interest rates it is good to see these 10 building societies offering a good rate of return for investors who might not have a great deal to save unlike some of the other banks and building societies who have dropped rates for small amounts to as low as 0.10%.

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