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National Statistics Figures for 2007
Average Full time weekly earnings Male £498 per week Woman £394 per week.
The top 10% earned more than £906 per week while the bottom 10% earned less than £252 per week. 
The occupations with the highest earnings in 2007 were Health Professionals (average £1019 per week) followed by Corporate managers (£702 per week)

UK Government debt at the end of September 2008 was 645.3 billion pounds or 43.4% of GDP. This figure has increased by 30.9 billion in the last 6 months and up 130.8 billion in the last 12 months.
Figures released on 24/10/2008 show UK GDP dropped 0.5% in 3rd quarter. Two consecutive falls means UK is officially in recession.
In August 2008 the UK's goods deficit with the EU was 3 billion and 5.2 billion with non EU countries. Excluding oil and erratic items the volume of exports was 5% lower than July and imports 1% higher.
The August 2008 Report on jobs from the REC & KPMG shows that permanent placements fell at the sharpest rate since November 2001.Declining demand for staff and strongly rising candidate availability led to salary growth being the weakest for over 5 years. 

02/10/2008 Today the government published it's Annual UK Fuel Poverty Statergy Annual Report.
Key Facts from it
3.5 million households spent more than 10% of income on heating and powering their homes.
Households suffering from fuel poverty in England rose from 1.5 million in 2005 to 2.4 million in 2006 and is expected to reach 3.5 million in 2008.
Across the UK 2.75 million vunerable households ie those with children, elderly, illness, were in fuel poverty in 2006.

House prices rose 1.9% in December 2008
Average mortgage rate on mortgages taken out in August 2008 6.10%
Average mortgage rate paid on all outstanding mortgages 5.83%
House prices in December 2008 were 17.2% lower on an annual basis
Mortgage approvals in December 2008 was 31,000.(58% lower than December 2007)
Average house price in December 2008 £163,966

Callcredit research has shown that 14% of people spend over 30pc of their monthly income on unsecured debt re-payments.
155600 households were 3 months or more in arrears.
Uk personal debt stood at £14569 billion in November 2008
73.2% of credit card balances attracted interest in October 2008
Average UK household debt excluding mortgages £9575
The average household pays £3744 interest each year on their debts.
2 million UK consumers are on debt re-payment schemes to energy suppliers.
15,297 people were declared bankrupt in the second quarter of 2008.
The average UK consumer is charged an interest rate of 17.45% on their credit card.
According to the FSA 1/3 of students at university are constantly overdrawn.
UK credit card borrowing is growing at an annual rate of 5.1%.
Citizens Advice offices report they dealt with 215,000 new debt problems in the first 2 months of 2008

UK Life Expectancy
Life expectancy at age 65 in the UK has reached its highest level ever for both men and women. Men aged 65 could expect to live a further 16.9 years and women a further 19.7 years if mortality rates remained the same as they were in 2004-06.

Within the UK, life expectancy varies by country. The highest expectations of life at age 65 occurred in England at 17.1 years for men and 19.9 years for women and the lowest in Scotland at 15.8 years and 18.6 years respectively. The equivalent figures for Wales and Northern Ireland are a little lower than those for England.

Life expectancy at birth is also at its highest level for both males and females. Boys and girls born in the UK could expect on average to live to 76.9 years and 81.3 years of age respectively.
The increase in life expectancy among older adults has been particularly dramatic in recent years. Between 1980-82 and 2004-06 life expectancy at age 65 in the UK increased by 4.0 years for men and 2.8 years for females. Around one-quarter of this increase occurred over the last four years. In general the increases in life expectancy over the same period have been broadly similar for each country. However, on average, for males in Scotland the increase was lower at 3.5 years. Conversely, females in Northern Ireland experienced a higher increase of 3.3 years. By comparison, expectation of life at birth in the UK has increased by 6.1 years for males and 4.5 years for females over the same period. Women continue to live longer than men, but the gap has been closing in recent years.

Improving mortality rates mean that the chance of a new born boy reaching age 65 has increased from 74 per cent (based on mortality rates experienced in 1980-82) to 84 per cent (based on mortality rates in 2004-06). For females the chance has increased from 84 per cent to 90 per cent.

The above life expectancy figures make no allowance for future changes in mortality. Allowing for the latest projected future improvements in mortality from the 2006-based population projections the cohort life expectancy at birth in 2006 is projected to be 88.1 years for a boy and 91.5 years for a girl. Cohort life expectancy for those aged 65 in 2006 is projected to be 20.6 years for males and 23.1 years for females. It is estimated that a boy born in the UK in 2006 will have a 91 per cent change of reaching age 65 and a girl a 94 per cent chance.

Source: Office for National Statistics;

House prices fell 1.8% in February
House prices are down 17.6% over last 12 months
Average UK house price £147,746 ( £161,797 september 2008)
Mortgage Approvals in November 2008 were 27,000 a record low
Annual; decline 17.6%

Net Mortgage lending in August 2008 was £143 million the lowest for 15 years. This compares to a figure of almost 3 billion in July 2008. 
104 properties a day were repossed in the first half of 2008. (up 48% on year ago.
Average outstanding mortgage balance in the U.K is £103707.
Average value of loan approval in November 2008 £117,000.
1.33% of mortgages are over 3 months in arrears at end of June 2008 this increased to 1.44% by the end of September 2008.
11,300 houses were repossed in the 3rd quarter of 2008.
According to a report from Shelter 2.8 million people have borrowed money to pay their housing costs in the last 12 months.
July 2008 The chief executive of Savilles forecast house prices in London to fall 25% by the end of next year.
In August 2008 28% of new mortgage loans were trackers and 58% were fixed rate.
In October 2008 The average age of a first time buyer was 29 and average loan value was £103,500 and the average salary they were earning was £34,500 

In the 3 months to August unemployment rose by 164,000 the largest increase for 17 years.
Unemployment stands at 1.79 million or 5.7% (5.7% is highest it has been since March 2000)
Capita Economics forecast it will hit 3 million by Christmas 2010.
The working age employment rate is 74.4% down from 74.8% the previous quarter.
The number of job vacancies was down 40,000.
5.77 million people are employed by the public sector  and 23.77 million in private sector. Over last quarter private sector employment was down and public sector was up.
2.87 million people are employed in manufacturing industries.
Unemployment in the 18-24 age group was 559,000

01/10/2008 According to the Times  in the second quarter of this year the average person only managed to save £16
Less than 50% of the UK population save regularly.
Research by the Yorkshire Building Society shows that the average Briton's savings would last only 52 days if they were unable to work and 36% could only last 11 days.
According to a survey by Birmingham Midshires 22/05/2008 63% of Britons have managed to save in the last 3 months and 60% have also had no need to raid their savings. (16% have taken between £1000 and £4999 out of their savings)

UK Population Figures

In mid-2007 the resident population of the UK was 60,975,000. The average age was 39 years, up from 37 in 1997. Children aged under 16 represented around one in five of the total population, around the same proportion as those of retirement age.

The diagram above provides a visual representation of the age and sex structure of a population, known as a population pyramid. Each bar represents a particular single year of age and the length shows the population of that age. Fertility, mortality and migration determine the structure of the pyramid.

Up to the age of 72, the number of males and females are fairly equal. At the top of the pyramid, from the age of 73 onwards, females outnumber their male counterparts. This is shown by longer bars on the female side of the pyramid. The ratio of females to males increases progressively from 1.2 at age 73, to nearly 3 by the age of 90. This reflects the higher life expectancy of women and higher male mortality during the Second World War.

Further down the pyramid, people of working age (aged 16 to 64 for males and 16 to 59 for females) represent 62 per cent of the total mid-2007 population. Of those people within this age group, 52 per cent were aged below 40, whereas the remaining
48 per cent were aged between 40 and 59/64 years.

In addition to increased life expectancy, there are a number of other factors contributing to population ageing. The population pyramid shows the 'bulge' of the 'baby boomers' of the 1960s moving into the older age bands. Furthermore, women born during the peak years immediately after World War Two have now reached retirement age (at 60 years). Men born during this period will reach retirement age in 2012 (at age 65 years).

A sharp tapering of the pyramid for people aged 30 to 36 reflects the low fertility in the mid to late 1970s. Another narrowing of the pyramid appears between the ages of 5 and 19; this reflects the low fertility rates during the late 1980s and 1990s. The number of births dropped to 663,000 in the year to mid-2002 but increased steadily from mid-2003 onwards broadening the base of the pyramid.

Average age - The 'median' average has been used here which means half the population are older and half the population are younger.

People of 'retirement age' are those aged 65 and over for males and 60 and over for females.
source national statistics

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