Post Office Fixed Rate ISAs 23/02/2011

Post Office Fixed Rate ISAS's Review.

The Post Office offers a range of fixed rate Isas. Currently the ISAs available include

One Year Fixed Rate paying 2.90% AER

Two Year Fixed Rate paying 3.20% AER

Three Year Fixed rate paying 3.60% AER

The minimum investment in them is £500.

In the tax year 2010/2011 you have until 05/04/2011to use your ISA allowance. This years allowance allows you to save tax free as much as £10,200 of which a maximum £5,100 can be in a cash Isa. You can also invest the rest in a stocks and shares ISA. Any allowance not used in the cash Isa can be put into the shares Isa so if for example you put £4,000 in a post office cash Isa you could put £6,200 in a shares Isa.

The Post Office allows Isa transfers in which require you too fill in the Isa transfer application. The Post Office fixed term Isas are suitable for those who do not need instant access to your savings as the investment is for a fixed term and those who are looking for a higher rate of tax free savings than an instant access Isa offers.

Post Office Fixed Rate ISA’s are provided by Family Investments.

post office fixed rate isa