Level Term Life Insurance @20/02/2011

Why Buy Level Term Life Insurance?

You can choose from two types of Legal & General Term Assurance – Decreasing Term Assurance and Level Term Assurance.
Legal & General Level Term Assurance means the amount you are insured for remains the same throughout the term of your life insurance policy, unless you choose to exercise your guaranteed insurability option or alter your plan. Please refer to the key features document for more information. 
Legal & General Decreasing Term Assurance means the amount decreases over the term of the life insurance policy. This cover is usually chosen to help protect a repayment mortgage, so that the amount of insurance decreases roughly in line with your remaining mortgage debt. Read more about mortgage life insurance online.

Legal & General Term Assurance offers some of the best value for money premiums available today, including Terminal Illness Cover at no extra cost. Plus, for a limited period only, get £40 worth of M&S vouchers when you buy online.* 
*Offer ends 31/03/2011. There is no cash in value at any time. If you stop paying the premiums before the end of your policy, your cover will end after 30 days. 

A Few Examples of where level term life insurance might be useful are shown below

New Parent - One of the most significant changes in your life is becoming a new parent. It’s exciting, but can also be overwhelming when you start to think about your responsibilities. Having enough life insurance is one responsibility that doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It’s important to ensure that if one, or both parents, were to die (or be diagnosed with a critical illness) that your children would be provided for financially. Level term insurance from Legal & General is the affordable straightforward solution. You can specify the amount of cover and term you need so that the protection exists when you need it most and the premium stays the same throughout the plan – allowing you to budget. We know that life insurance isn’t something you want to think about as a new parent, but the peace of mind you’ll have knowing your loved ones are protected, is invaluable. 
Single Parent - As a single parent, you’re the caregiver, breadwinner, cook, chauffer and so much more. Your time and money goes on making sure your child has everything they deserve. With so much responsibility resting on your shoulders, you need to make sure that if something happened to you, that your child’s welfare and financial future would be  secure. Legal  & General life insurance pays a cash sum if you die during the policy term. Premiums start from as little as 20p a day, that’s just £6 per month, so protecting your children could be cheaper than you think! 
Taking on Debt - These days, most of us rely on credit to help pay for things like new cars, home improvements and holidays. Living with debt doesn’t have to be a bad thing, as long as you have a plan for managing it. Firstly, you should always live within your means.  Never take on debt that you think you may struggle to repay. Secondly, if you do have any outstanding credit, carefully consider how your family would manage your repayments if something happened to you. Always have enough life insurance to help pay off all of your outstanding debts and to also provide a financial cushion to help your loved ones at a difficult time. Level term insurance from Legal & General is the affordable straightforward solution. You can specify the amount of cover and term you need so that the protection is exists when you need it most and the premium stays the same throughout the plan – allowing you to budget accordingly. 

level term life insurance