Are you paying too much for your broadband connection?
Could you save money by switching and finding a cheaper broadband supplier?

UK Broadband Statistics
Figures from the ONS at end of August 2009 show 18.3 million households in the UK (70 per cent) had Internet access in 2009. This is an increase of just under 2 million households (11 per cent) over the last year and 4 million households (28 per cent) since 2006.

At the end of September 2008 there were 16.9 million SME and household broadband connections.
BT was the number one in the broadband market with a market share of 26.4%
94.1% of connections to the internet are via broadband and 57.7% of broadband connections had a speed greater than 2 Mbps.

Are you paying too much for your broadband?
The prices of broadband have fallen a lot over the years and the average broadband user is paying around £17 a month even though the cheapest broadband on the market is now only £5.99 a month and this gives you a 10GB download limit, broadband speeds of up to 8Mb and a wireless router. Research has shown that the average broadband user does not realise how much prices have fallen and the deal they signed up to a couple of years ago by might well be a lot cheaper today.
Switching broadband providers should be relatively painless as your provider will give you a MAC code when you want to switch and you give this to your new provider.
Too see how your current broadband deal compares and whether you can save any money by switching try the free broadband comparison below.

Broadband Suppliers

changing broadband suppliers to save money and getting cheap broadband.