Family Investments Child Trust Fund News.

01.02.2010 Receive Up to £25 of Boots vouchers if you apply online and set up a regular Direct Debit for a Family Investments Child Trust Fund.

Who are Family Investments?

Family Investments is a mutual organisation, meaning that they are not owned by external shareholders. They are only answerable  to you, their customers.

Family Investments were established in 1975 and by 2009 were the UK's favourite Child Trust Fund provider with over 1 million accounts, all of which contribute to £2.2 billion* (nov 2009) funds under management. As well as supplying child trust funds directly to customers they also provide them via companies like Santander, Post Office and Barclays.
If you apply for a child trust fund online with family investments they will also give you up to £25 Boots vouchers if you set up a regular Direct Debit when applying online.

Family Investments Child Trust Fund

Family Investments – The UK’s favourite Child Trust Fund provider.

To encourage saving, the Government has launched the Child Trust Fund. This gives every eligible child born on or after 1st September 2002 a voucher worth £250 to kickstart their savings.

There is no need to apply for a Child Trust Fund voucher - your child's entitlement will be automatically linked to their entitlement for child benefit.

So, if your child is eligible for the CTF, your child's Child Trust Fund voucher will be sent out to you. You will then be able to open a CTF with your chosen provider.

There are a variety of account types available including those that invest in cash deposits and pay interest, and others that invest in shares where the returns are potentially greater, but there is a risk that your child could get back less than has been paid in..

Family Investments is a CTF provider offering an account that invests in stocks and shares. They are experienced in providing family savings and investment plans.

Anyone can make additional payments into a CTF account, up to a combined total of £1,200 each year. Once money is placed into a CTF, it must remain there until the child is eighteen at which point only the child is able to access it and they are free to spend it as they wish.

Family Investments is a mutual organisation with over 30 years’ experience in providing straightforward investments for families. In fact, they currently look after around £2.2 billion of family money for over 1.5 million people in the UK and are experienced in providing family savings and investments.

With the Child Trust Fund from Family Investments you can enjoy:

•    Over 30 years experience of helping families save for their future.

•    Our track record in providing excellent customer service to over 1.5 million members.

•    Investing in a Child Trust Fund that meets the government’s ‘stakeholder’ criteria. (Stakeholder       accounts are not necessarily suitable for everyone, nor is their performance guaranteed).

•    The facility to manage your child’s CTF account online

Family Investments Child Trust Fund

Family Investments Child Trust Fund